Prostatitis, the third is according to the degree of importance of the disease among male urological diseases. More than 20% of men at the age from 20 to 50 years suffer from chronic Prostatitis.
Especially in recent time the cases of Prostatitis became more frequent among the young (85%), which moved to the sexually transmitted diseases. The treatment of Prostatitis includes a comprehensive approach, and it takes a long time. Since the motschepolowaja System of men is in direct connection with the reproductive function, increases the relevance of the Prostatitis problems, and includes the search for new methods for the treatment of Prostatitis.
What Prostatitis is?
Prostatitis is due to inflammation in the prostate, the swelling of the glands of the body. In General, Prostatitis most often sick men. The main reason of occurrence of a Prostatitis consists in the anatomical features of the structure and arrangement of the prostate.
The prostate consists of a made up of several components, which are independent in the area of the small pelvis. Only one of these shares has glandular tissue, which consists of one of a variety of follicles-and output-channels. In these channels, the secret of the prostate accumulates is referred to as juice. This juice serves as a breeding ground for spermatogenesis, but also he maintains a variety of bacteria and viruses in the organs of the reproductive system of the man. Apart from that, the prostate does not have its own circulation, which has a strong influence on the speed of them in the genitals. Therefore, in inflammatory processes and Stagnation begin in the tissue of the gland. Complications of chronic Prostatitis can lead to the formation of tumors in iron, stones or infertility.
Types of Prostatitis
There are two basic classification of the Prostatitis is an acute and a chronic. As a rule, acute in 90% of cases of chronic Prostatitis, because do not cure the disease during pregnancy, the patient is either to be, or picked up inappropriate drugs were flowing at a chronic Prostatitis.
A special feature of acute of chronic Prostatitis is that he is with pronounced symptoms. Chronic Prostatitis has relapses in the Form of, in acute cases, where begins the inflammatory process. Exacerbation of chronic Prostatitis, the treatment must be diagnosed with all the urgent, almost immediately.
Also the Prostatitis flocks are divided into two groups, depending on the inflammation.
- The first group is a bacterial Prostatitis. That is, the source of the inflammation are different viruses, bacteria, Sticks, mushrooms.
- The second group considered the cases of Prostatitis on the basis of the internal injuries of the gland. This includes all kinds of Stagnation in the prostate-juice and the blood in the veins of the prostate include. The cause of the Stagnation is to live in, as a rule, irregular sexual life.

Chronic Prostatitis: Causes
Chronic bacterial Prostatitis is called to include, in addition to gram-negative bacteria, of which:
- Escherichia coli;
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa;
- Enterococcus faecalis.
Chronic infectious Prostatitis is triggered by the various micro-biological centers of the defeat of the prostate:
- Staph;
- Chlamydia;
- Yreaplasma;
- Micro plasma and other bacteria, the sexually transmitted diseases.
In 90% of cases the infection occurs by the penetration of the pathogen through the urethra. The chronic Prostatitis is suffering called a complication of Urethritis.
With respect to the second group of risk, the chronic non-specific Prostatitis belongs to him. The main reasons for the development of internal injuries of the prostate gland is:
- Unprotected Anal Sex;
- Infections of the urinary tract-VAS deferens;
- Zabros of urine in the ducts of the gland (intra-prostatic Reflex);
- The constant use of urethral catheter.
Often a number of external or internal influences of the organism, such as, for example, a weakened immune system, physical, chemical injury, unfavorable working conditions, diseases of the circulatory System leads to chronic prostatitis or exacerbation. How many safe again chronic Prostatitis is a clear answer to this question, there is not, because for its treatment of the various factors that can trigger a relapse to act.
Symptoms of chronic Prostatitis in men
Often, chronic non-bacterial Prostatitis develops over a long time, asymptomatic. Therefore, most of the turn a men in the hospital only upon the occurrence of relapse, which can be expressed as acute Prostatitis or a more gentle symptoms.
In the case of acute Prostatitis in a patient sharp observed pain in the lower area of the basin, the increase in the temperature of the body, the inability to have a bowel movement because of acute pain, weakness, lethargy, aching joints. In General, the clinical picture is as the noise of the excitation.
In chronic Prostatitis, observed:
- Regular fast over aching pain in the Perineum, groin, and pubic hair;
- Decreased Libido;
- The change of duration of the sexual act (depending on the individuality of the organism time, or a longer ejaculation or decrease);
- Loss of interest in sexual sensations;
- Discharge from the urethra;
- Can also be a low-grade fever observed in chronic Prostatitis.
Pain in chronic Prostatitis may be more common and have a sharper and strong character, depending on the extent of the injury. Signs of exacerbation of the chronic Prostatitis are the same with the acute Form of the disease.
What is chronic Prostatitis threatens
Prostatitis is primarily homeopathic to the reproductive ability of the man. In case of prolonged absence of Libido in men, interest in sex is not lost life, but also disrupted the process of sperm production. Therefore, chronic Prostatitis, and pregnancy of the wife or the sexual partner in this Situation is closely connected. The treatment of patients with chronic Prostatitis, which is a reproductive dysfunction, is carried out in the clinic for the restoration of male and female fertility.
The diagnosis of Prostatitis
If the man with chronic Prostatitis or just the suspicion of this disease, then immediately take him to a urologist or andrologist. Even if the man noticed only a Symptom of the above, it is consult still. The doctor refers to the survey, which includes:
- Analyses on different infections;
- Ultrasound examination of small pelvis on the identification of abnormalities;
- Rectal examination of the prostate.
At the rectal examination, the doctor is the seeding of the prostate gland-juice, which are then investigated in the laboratory on the identification of diseases and the presence of bacteria takes. You do not waive any of the proposed survey methods, because in case of a rejection, it can not give a full clinical picture of the condition of the prostate, as well as the treatment of chronic bacterial Prostatitis in this case, can only worsen and so pleasant for the man condition.
Also, the analysis of the blood on the DOG. This analysis is carried out for the determination of the formation in the prostate of benign and malignant tumors. DOG in chronic Prostatitis is an integral part of the investigation.
The possibilities of the treatment of chronic Prostatitis
Drug treatment of chronic Prostatitis
Chronic Prostatitis is difficult to treat due to the duration of the occurrence. But the chronic Prostatitis in Remission is not for men, no complaints. Today, the cheapest and the positive results of is an antibiotic therapy. Since, in most cases, the pathogen is a bacterium selected depending on the pathogen, the immunity of the patient, the medications used to treat. The treatment of chronic Prostatitis in men – it is a long laborious process that requires a lot of strength and patience, but the result is the absence of relapses over many years. In most cases, chronic Prostatitis is not completely curable, except in the acute forms of the disease, but the modern methods of medicine do everything necessary to make it possible to cure chronic Prostatitis. In medicine there are various medications for exacerbation of chronic Prostatitis, which help to remove to relieve swelling and inflammation.
Also popular are the widths of magneto-treatments-laser-inductor therapy, ultrasound, prostate Massage and heat. Prostate Massage is one of the most efficient methods to combat the Prostatitis and, therefore, the treatment of refuse in this way. Medication for the treatment of chronic Prostatitis is only the beginning of an improving process. To Prostatitis do not have to bother for a long time, the complex treatment of chronic Prostatitis, which are described in the following.
The folk methods of treatment of chronic Prostatitis
A good effect and the means of folk medicine for the treatment of Prostatitis. Because chronic Prostatitis is one of the oldest diseases, which were then in the course of the a long time, there are various herbs and extracts that have a positive effect on the recovery of the prostate gland in chronic Prostatitis. The folk medicine, in this case, offers a variety of infusions, decoctions, masks, ointments and candles.
The most commonly, pumpkin seeds are used. It can be consumed as seeds 20 seeds within a period of 25 minutes before meals, and you can take a tincture of honey and seeds. Also drink is recommended daily before meals personally cooked juice of asparagus, carrots, beets, and cucumbers.
Also effective against chronic Prostatitis is Propolis. It is used for making candles, in the basis of which contain, in addition to this plant, rye flour and honey. Due to the good antibacterial properties of Propolis in the treatment of chronic Prostatitis, reduced lesions infection. Also, we can make the candles out of of chronic Prostatitis on the Basis of Propolis and other products.Diet in chronic Prostatitis
Like any other disease, chronic Prostatitis requires compliance with certain restrictions in food. Important food products, large amounts of zinc. All nuts, particularly pumpkin, pumpkin seeds, whole-grain products. Avoid spicy and salty. Elements from it, irritate the urinary channels, which causes the exacerbation of chronic Prostatitis. Nutrition in chronic Prostatitis patients should be carefully monitored, and the diet is by the treating physician depending on the severity course of the disease.
Exercises in chronic Prostatitis
A series of exercises in chronic Prostatitis homeopathic on the intensity of the blood circulation and the metabolism in the gland. That is why it is important, not just a diet, and pill sold in the period, but also to make exercises every morning. The function gland improve, you need to squat down, doing various exercises to warm up the muscles of the hips, the pelvis, the lower back. Sex at a chronic Prostatitis is recommended, but it must be regular and without constant change of sexual partners.